In the secondary medical school “Nadezda Petrovic” today was held 5 lecture for a total of about 200 children from all classes of the second year. Lectures were held for the first time as part of peer education. ADAS trained 11 peer educators on the first level of the program. Dr. Marija Andjelkovic attended all lectures to support young educators in the first education.
They maintain excellent and managed to interest their peers and doping was extremely interesting topic. The Hazard of steroids were most interesting for students who listened carefully and have a lot of questions.
Lectures are planned for the next period in other primary and secondary schools.
ADAS would use this opportunity once again to thank Dr. Snezana Rajacic and school “Nadezda Petrovic” for the support they have given us and made us feel proud that our message about the danger of doping is transferred trough children, preserving the health and fair play. Just as the motto of ADAS is – BE HEALTHY, PLAY FAIR!