Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia for the fourth year in a row educates our best athletes who are scholars of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Serbia. In a education center of Sports Medicine Association of Serbia , every Friday athletes are coming to listen lectures about doping and sports medicine.
This year, the focus of education is on the changes that the adopted World Anti-Doping Code will bring from 2015 and that will have a significant impact not only on doping , but in general the sport . In addition to the anti-doping fight, ADAS give great attention to education of the importance of knowledge of sports medicine that can only have a positive impact on improving athletic performance. That’s why this year, athletes listen about aerobic capacity, what is the values of heart rate , the basic rules of nutrition before and after training , what should be their body composition and what influences the recovery . About all terms athletes will be able to read detail in the book “Sports physiology” that everyone gets as a gift thanks to the sponsorship of one of the most famous supplements companies” Alexandar MN .” In particular, the lecture was devoted to the importance of “sport entourage” that surrounds the athlete and thus bears some responsibility for what an athlete does, and in terms of violations of anti-doping rules.
5 more lecture waiting ADAS in the future and almost more than a hundred athletes to improve their knowledge of the sport, sports medicine and anti-doping.